Rubelli fabrics in the Palazzo Reale in Venice

15 July 2022: the last rooms of the Palazzo Reale in Venice are opened to the public after work on restoration and recovery of "forgotten" spaces lasting over twenty years.

Rubelli joined the ambitious restoration project strongly promoted and supported by the Comité Français pour la Sauvegarde de Venise, participating as technical sponsor and supplier in the restoration of the soft furnishings.

For the wall coverings, curtains and upholstery of a series of furnishings, Rubelli supplied both fabrics from the collection and custom-made items, faithful reproductions of the ancient originals. The result is a fascinating sequence of 28 rooms played out in different colours in which decorations, ornaments and textile elements blend seamlessly with each other.

©️ 2024 Rubelli S.p.A. | S. Marco 3395, Venezia | VAT IT 03333900276 | C.F. 05091270487 | R.E.A. VE 293920 | Fully Paid-up Capital €15 .000.000 I.V. | Powered by Eurostep